Tuesday 28 August 2012

Middle Lagoon 4.

                                        Steve with his Bat Fish. (not my thumb over the lens)

                                                        Still fighting after 30 minutes!!!!!

                                                                Smile for the camera.

                                                           The catch of the day!!!!

Middle Lagoon 3

Still at Middle Lagoon. fishing, snorkelling, swimming & crabbing......

                                                 Steve & Trevor about to kill their catch.

                                                    Local tracker Keith - spearing fish.

                                                              Trevor with his Mackerel.

                                                         Us at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm.

Whilst at Cygnet Bay Pearl farm, we went on a tour of the farm, this was very interesting and I got to try on some very expensive Pearls.  Cygnet Bay Pearl farm is the oldest family owned Pearl Farm in Australia and has been operating since 1946.

                                                    A baby Turtle.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Middle Lagoon 2

Still at Middle Lagoon.......

                                                                   The Fires at night.

                                                  The sunset with the smoke from fires.

                                                                Fish for dinner!!!

So here we are just sending this while in Broome for supplies, you won't hear from us again until at least 27.08.12.

Middle Lagoon.1. (180 klm North Of Broome).

Here we are at Middle Lagoon, approximately 180 klms north of Broome.  We have a spot on the top of the sandy cliff which is by the lagoon.  We spend our days watching the Hump Back Whales playing & feeding, some nights we also hear the Whales singing.  We are able to do lots of swimming here and the snorkelling is very good.  Some days we have to go out of camp to fetch fire wood, as we have a fire most evenings.  I have made 3 dampers, 2 were terrible and 1 was eatable. We have been here 2 weeks and we will be here until at least 27.08.12. The weather is 30 to 32 each day, not a cloud in the sky and occasionally we get a light breeze.  The sea is a light turquoise blue (as Moana & Southport on a good day).  This place is absolutely stunning and truly relaxing.  We have met with several traveller friends here, and the couple next to us were on the Horizontal falls trip with us (They have a boat) Steve has been very lucky and has been able to go out fishing in the tinny the last few days, to date they have seen Whales very close up, several turtles, sharks and many variety’s of fish.  They have caught Coral trout, lots of reef fish, Cobia (just over a meter long), so we are eating fish, fish and more fish. We have a big trip to Broome on Friday for supplies . Of course I forgot to mention the fires, which have been burning around us for several days, we think we are pretty safe here.

                                                       The 4 WD track up to Middle Lagoon.
                                                                  The sunset from our camp.
                                                               Our camp for 3 weeks!!!!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Fitzroy Crossing & Geikie Gorge.

We are just about to have our 2nd night in Fitzroy and have today been on a boat cruise down Geikie Gorge. A very small, yet pretty gorge. Lots of crocodiles here.

                     Hey I don't thing this fella liked us being on his road!! He didn't look happy!!

                                                                      Geikie Gorge.

                                                                    Geikie Gorge.

Tunnel Creek.

Tunnel Creek – a very short walk 750 meters each way through dark caves with lots of water. On this walk you wade through water up to waist height. The stalactite’s & stalagmite’s are fascinating. This was an excellent walk and you need spot lights for this. It’s so good, we are going to do it again tomorrow on our way to Fitzroy Crossing. Apparently there are a lot of eels in the water and bats in the caves, we saw or felt none!!! 
                                                     Steve heading in to Tunnel Creek.

                                                                    Me in the Tunnel.

                                                                    Part of the tunnel.

                                                     An Eagle I was throwing bread.

Windjana Gorge.

WindJana Gorge, here we have camped for 2 nights.  Lunch and off we go on a 5.5klm walk down WindJana gorge (carved by Lenard's River is actually a Reef laid down 300 million years ago), stunning is an understatement!!!  On this walk we had high cliffs (Reef walls) on both sides, yet lots of winding paths with shade.  Fresh water crocodiles where everywhere on this walk – so no swimming.  We also saw a rock wallaby.  Another great day with stunning scenery!!!!

                                                                        Steve in the entrance.
                                            Look at these two little crocs - sunning themselves.
Look at that!!!

                                                                      Steve under the reef.
                                                Barramundi teasing Steve- as no fishing here!!

Bell's Gorge & Lennard's Gorge.

Left Mornington and headed to Silent Grove camp ground and onto Bell’s Gorge. Bell’s Gorge is a short walk from the car park.  Well what a gem, a fantastic place to spend the day with several swim pools to choose from.  We made our way down stream, climbing and swimming over boulders and small waterfalls and found another stunning water fall around the corner, unfortunately we couldn’t get down to the large swim hole here.  We were surprised to find no walking path out to this part of the Gorge,  this was only for the adventurist.  However on our return adventure we saw 2 large water monitors and a snake (That moved me along quite quickly). A great day and the camp site is very nice to. 
                                                                      Bell's Gorge.

                                                                 Steve at the falls.

                                                       Me at Bell Gorge & Falls.

Lenard Gorge, a 3klm rocky walk through a very pretty creek bed.  Unfortunately at this gorge you can only get to the top, it was massive and very dramatic.  No swimming.
                                                                           Lennard Gorge.

                                                                   Lennard Gorge.


Onto Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary an 88klms drive in from the Gibb.  This was a lovely drive in with ranges all around us, we didn’t see much wildlife?  We weren’t keen on the camp ground – a bit grotty, lucky we found a bay which was grass and parked ourselves there.  No fires here, except at the bar in the evening and yes you are all thinking, fantastic!!  Except at 8.45pm the bar man brings a hose and puts the fire out – how sad is that –miserable lot!!!   We took a drive down towards Sir John Gorge and the swim hole on the Fitzroy River, called bluebush.  This was a lovely swim and Steve found a rope swing!!! 
The following day we hired a canoe and drove 29klms down to Diamond Gorge.  Off we paddle down the gorge in and out all the rocks and gully’s looking for crocodile’s, again we saw the odd bird.  We paddled right to the end.  The gorge was beautiful and excellent for swimming.  At the end of the gorge we had smoko on a sandy beach and on leaving spotted a crocodile.  We also stopped at a waterfall on the way back and Steve says it was freezing!!!  Anybody would think it was winter up here!!! On the way back we stopped at another swim hole called  Cajeput and stayed here for a couple of hours.

                                                                            Steve on the rope swing.

                                                                                    Diamond Gorge.

                                                             Steve at the waterfall in Diamond Gorge.

                                                                                        A crocodile.

                                                 Steve at the back - I was just checking he was paddling.

Charnley River Station.3.

                                                                        How cute!!!

                                                                    Look at that!!!

                                                    Another hot day in the Kimberley's.

Charnley River Station.2.

                                                                  Me at Dilly's Gorge.

                                                     Steve swimming at Dilly's Gorge.

                                                                       Grevilla Gorge.

                                                    The bottom pool at Grevilla Gorge.

                                             Steve at Lilly's Pool having a very cold swim.

Charnley River Station.1.

On to Charnley River Station (central Kimberley's) a 44klm 4wd track to get to the station, 750,000 acres.  Well worth the drive, the best camp ground we have seen on the Gibb so far.  A large working cattle station.  We set up and went 4 WD to Donkey hole and Donkey springs, 3 pools and had a lovely swim in the top pool.  Next day 32klm 4WD track out to Lily’s ponds (X2) for a very refreshing swim.  Grevillea Gorge next, which entailed climbing down a ladder and also down a waterfall (which Steve did, I didn’t go to the bottom pool).   Dillies Gorge was next and another stunner, we had lunch and a swim here.  Mount Clement lookout shows this vast landscape with the ridges surrounding the land.  Guess what the following day we had a day off and stayed at Charnley River as we really liked it here.

                                                 Steve on our way to Donkey swim hole.

                                                    Me on the walk to Donkey springs.

                                                                 Donkey Springs.

                                                   Steve diving in at Donkey Springs.

                                                   Me being a local at Donkey Springs.