Sunday 5 August 2012


Onto Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary an 88klms drive in from the Gibb.  This was a lovely drive in with ranges all around us, we didn’t see much wildlife?  We weren’t keen on the camp ground – a bit grotty, lucky we found a bay which was grass and parked ourselves there.  No fires here, except at the bar in the evening and yes you are all thinking, fantastic!!  Except at 8.45pm the bar man brings a hose and puts the fire out – how sad is that –miserable lot!!!   We took a drive down towards Sir John Gorge and the swim hole on the Fitzroy River, called bluebush.  This was a lovely swim and Steve found a rope swing!!! 
The following day we hired a canoe and drove 29klms down to Diamond Gorge.  Off we paddle down the gorge in and out all the rocks and gully’s looking for crocodile’s, again we saw the odd bird.  We paddled right to the end.  The gorge was beautiful and excellent for swimming.  At the end of the gorge we had smoko on a sandy beach and on leaving spotted a crocodile.  We also stopped at a waterfall on the way back and Steve says it was freezing!!!  Anybody would think it was winter up here!!! On the way back we stopped at another swim hole called  Cajeput and stayed here for a couple of hours.

                                                                            Steve on the rope swing.

                                                                                    Diamond Gorge.

                                                             Steve at the waterfall in Diamond Gorge.

                                                                                        A crocodile.

                                                 Steve at the back - I was just checking he was paddling.

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