Friday 26 October 2012

Onslow 4 - Early Morning.

Took a few pictures this morning at 0545. Steve was just going to work and the sun was on it's way up. We are both still working. The weather is hot, however last night, we sat watching a movie, and we both thought it was chilly, when we looked it was only 27, normally about 30 plus in the evening. We must be getting used to the heat during the day and so the evenings seem cold!!!!

   Steve on his way to work, it's rare he should smile in the mornings, let alone going to work!!!!

                                                                 The sun coming up.

                                                        Map of the Mackerel Islands.

                                       Our home. The tropical roof has been a God send here!!!

                                                              The Sun coming up.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Onslow 3 - Work.

Steve is working for Dice electrical and mainly works out at the BHP Site.
Now I have been at work for nearly two weeks, I have put myself forward for reception as well as house keeping. So from Monday I start my training on reception!!! Won't take long and I will be running the place!!! Only joking.

Now Steve has had an interesting week at work and below are some pictures.......

                                                         Steve's taxi to work on Friday.

                                                           Steve's work place for the day!!

                                                                      The Engines.

                                                                        The bridge.

                     The caravan park where we are living. Taken from Steve's place of work.

Onslow 2.

Whilst we were out free camping on the Ashburton River, Steve & Trevor were fishing, Cheryl & I were sitting quietly by the river chatting and we had a visitor. I soon got up, got the camera and stood behind the car until he left!!!! he was a big boy!!!!

                                                             A visitor to our camp!!!

This week I have started running and I run 5 mornings a week. The board walk is a 2klm track with grassy park at each end for exercises. Three days a week two other girls run with me.

                                                                 Part of the board walk.

                                                   The young girls just can't keep up!!!!