Wednesday 5 December 2012

Greenough 1.

Dee as teacher in the old school house.
Greenough - An historical town that was build in the 1860's. This was a very successful wheat belt area. There was a massive cyclone in 1872 and severe flooding in 1888, and the wheat was affected by red rust. Most of the farmers left and the town was left and was in a very poor state. It wasn't until the 1980's that the settlement was revitalised and is now a premier attraction in the Central West. Fantastic, well worth a visit.

                                                            Steve being the pupil.

                                The police station, court room, Gaol, exercise yard & stables.

                                                         Who's been a naughty boy?

                                                             Steve locked in a cell!!!

                                                    The cells and look who's escaped!!

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