Sunday 20 May 2012

Pine Creek.

Pine Creek and tonight will be our 2nd night here, seems a very small town, however there is quite alot to see. Firstly we took a walk to the Water Gardens, these were created after the old railway tracks were uplifted, leaving a series of unsightly trenches. Unfortunately these seem to be neglected now.
We headed out to Umbrawarra Gorge 22km south west. What a stunning little place this was and yes of course we swam/paddled through all the waterholes, a very tranquil setting and well worth a visit. On our way back we stopped off at Copperfield recreational Dam, where Steve took a long swim. Again very scenic.
We also went to the lookout, a great view over this hilly, vast country. The railway museum is a must if ever you come out this way.Also the Minors park is well worth a walk.
On the way to Pine creek we also drove & walked to Edith Falls another stunning spot, unfortunately due to only just being the end of the wet season, alot of walks & pools are still closed at present which is why we are heading up to Darwin, to meet up with kerri and will do the Kakadu park after Darwin, hoping more things will be open.

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