Saturday 26 May 2012

Douglas Daly.

Whilst at Douglas Daly, I forgot to mention, we heard our first barking owl!!!! It does sound so much like a dog-it was funny!!!
We was driving through the Douglas Daly Area, Dorat road, a Dingo ran across the road, I wanted to shoot it - I don't like them. We hear Dingos most nights now and they don't worry me anymore, but I still don't like them! European roos everywhere, these seem very small compared to what we have in SA.
We stopped off at Robin Falls (9am) and no signs to how far from the car park it was, we headed off and a little way in, guess what another snake on the path, lucky Steve saw it and we let it cross before we moved on. The snake was long (5ft)(I know that's long, because that's how tall I am). It was green and yellow or gold and very thin. So much for being first on the tracks in the morning. Anyhow we eventually arrive at the falls and very,very nice it was to! We climb up abit and there was a big swim hole, no signs to say safe swimming, we figured crocs wouldn't climb up there! So Steve went in and I watched (see everyone thinks he's the smart one)!!! Apparently it was on the fresh side - well worth the visit and we saw no snakes on the way back, although I'm sure many snakes saw us!

Steve taking his morning shower.
Robin Falls.

In Adelaide River we stopped and saw the Ghan(Railway that transverses from North to South of Australia) go by.

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