Sunday 10 June 2012


Last night we went on the Wildlife Evening Dinner Cruise, we boarded our boat and headed south from SpringVale Homestead at 6pm and arrived back at 9.30pm. It was good fun and we saw a few Crocs, and of course our tour guide Pat, Fed Mouse, who is still wild although comes every night to be fed. Mouse is about 50 years old and is a Fresh water Croc approximately 3 meters long. We had a BBQ super on a very dark and creepy river bank. There was loads of Turtles and Cat Fish, unfortunately they didn't come out on my photos and at one point Mouse (The Croc) got a Turtle in his mouth just to warn him off, but didn't harm it!!! It was good fun trying to spotlight Crocs!!!

                                                        Mouse waiting for his dinner!!!

                                           Would mouse like some of these for dinner????

                          Federation Day. We go off to look at Knotts Crossing - Very pretty.

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