Tuesday 19 June 2012

Gregory National Park -NT.

We camped at Bullita Homestead, which is 47klm in to the Gregory National Park. A very nice little place and we spent 3 nights here.  During our time here, Steve spent some time fishing at different spots on the East Baines River – no fish as yet.
The first evening we were chatting to an elderly couple and later that evening we joined them round the camp fire, he played the guitar and she played the piano according, well what a special evening, round a fire under the stars,  a very magic evening!!! They played all sorts and another man who also played the guitar came and joined in and we had a bit of a sing along.
The following day we visited the homestead and found this very interesting, this homestead was only built in the 1960’s. Credit is due to the ranger as the homestead and stock yard are kept in mint condition.
Next day we take a 4WD track called the Humbert Track which is 62.5klm long and take’s 6 hours to complete. This track runs between Bulita Homestead and Humbert River Station (a working cattle station). This track follow’s the valleys of the fig tree and the Humbert River.  Charlie Schultz used this track as a stock route and to cart supplies between Bullita Outstation and Humbert River Station.   On our return we also did the Tuwakam 4 WD track (2Hours). This section connects the East & West sections of the Gregory National Park. The scenery was amazing and changed every 10k or so, we saw wild cattle and can you believe one Brahman I’m sure was as tall and wide as an elephant – it was unbelievable!!!  Guess who had to keep getting out and opening gates? We saw lots of Budgies, Eagles, Finches, wild horses & Kangaroos. This park is well know for the Boab trees, they are everywhere. When we travelled through Humbert River Cattle station, my friend Nia would have loved it – there were lots of herds of Brahman cattle with baby calves, and then we came across a river and lots of shady trees well there were hundreds & hundreds of Brahman cattle- it was amazing and a bit scary – for the one shutting the gates!!!!   These 4 Wd tracks were hairy in places, particularly a river crossing which had deep rock formation and crocodiles. On the whole they were pretty easy just a bit rough going at times and slow.  As you can see we had a big day.   Oh yes nearly forgot to tell you about Jasper Gorge, again very rocky escarpments, hardly mentioned in the travel books and it was well worth a look!!!

Steve at the Stockyard at Bullita Homestead.
 This was our camp site, LOOK at the sign the river is just behind us!!!!! Yes there is a Croc living just down the bank which Steve found on the last day!!!!!!!

                                                                        Me at Bullita Homestead.

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