Saturday 9 June 2012

Kakadu National Park - Flight.

We have booked to go on a flight over Kakadu in a light aircraft for 30 mins. Oh my word I have done a lot of flights of various kinds, this was the roughest I have ever been on. Steve & I both felt sick for some time afterwards. Never  mind we really did enjoy the scenery it is spectacular from the air.  We saw Tributaries, Rivers that wind, Magela Flood plain water, Magela wetlands permanent waterholes, Gagudju Crocodile Holiday Inn, Ranger Mine, Dinosaur Valley, The Archway, East Alligator River & upper East Alligator Valley. It was fabulous!!!!! We felt if we hadn’t done the flight we would not have seen anything as most things in the park are still closed.
Next we head to Bowali Visitor’s centre which was nice. Onwards to Nourlangie Rock Art Sites, this site has been used as a shelter & canvas for thousands of years. The rock art here was very interesting, however sometimes I felt that the art had faded and a park ranger had added bits here and there.  Steve thought our Grandsons  could have done a better job. 
Onwards we go and everything seems to be closed Still….. We decide to take the 4WD track out to Gunlom Plunge Pool, which is 37klms down a corrugated track –will it be open when we get there, because I feel if it’s not Steve’s going to punch the first ranger he sees!!!!!  Gunlom is a magical combination of waterfalls and serene plunge pools. A steep climb to the top of the falls provides sweeping views of the Southern most parts of Kakadu  park. Yes it’s open !!!!! We park up and go for a swim in the pool at the bottom of the falls. The Ranger came round at 8pm to collect camp fees and advised that swimming at the bottom is at your own risk, as there are fresh water crocs in there and possibly salt water crocs!!! Well wouldn’t  you think they would put a sign up!!! Steve swam right over to the waterfalls before this and even he found it creepy as he couldn’t  see the bottom it was very deep.
The steep climb to the top of the falls is stunning. It’s hard to explain  the natural beauty, of the vast landscape we could see and all the plunge pools and water falls. The water was very fresh and so clear-stunning. We had a lazy day at the top of the falls- fabulous!!!! 
                                                        Steve with our 8 seater Aircraft.
                                                                             The Archway.

                                                              East Alligator River.

                                                                    Magela Wetlands.

Rock Art. 

                                                                        Rock Art .

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