Thursday 19 July 2012

Flight Lake Argyle , Bungle Bungles & El Questro

Flight part 2-

                                                              The Diamond mine.

                                                              The Bungle Bungles.

We left Kununurra and headed down “The Gibb River Road”!! Arrived at El Questro and have camped up for 4 nights. We went to Zebedee Springs and this was good the water temperature was 28 to 32 and Steve loved it. Next onto Amalia Gorge walk which would take 3 hours, this was a very pretty walk with a lot of water and rock climbing, (or ledge crawling by me, as I am scared of heights)!!! The water was still running at the waterfall which is 32 meters high.
Onto the 4WD tracks, firstly we headed out to Explosion Hole (a lovely gorge) the track was not to challenging, onto Bronco’s lookout, a very steep and narrow climb, the view was stunning at the top. On to the Jetty which was a short deep sandy track with a climb out.  Next onto Chamberlain Gorge and jetty,  very nice.  Next track Pigeon Hole and lookout, well this was much more challenging, with several steep boulders, narrow climbs & descends, very interesting when you meant someone else doing the track. Lastly Saddleback Ridge & lookout, this again had a long, fairly deep river crossing (which we like), very narrow winding, extremely steep, sharp bends track. The scenery from the top was excellent!!! Steve really enjoyed his 4 WD and I also had fun!!! Not finished yet there was a Blues band on at the bar, so we went for an hour and stayed for 3 hours. The band was great, there were girls dancing with Hula hoop’s (Which Steve really liked), they were very good until one of the girls hair caught on fire!!! El Questro had a massive fire, which added to the atmosphere.  
Another day another walk (well actually they are only a walk if you are a rock wallaby)!!  to see Emma Gorge & waterfall (3.5klm), well it was 8am and very nice walking, sorry climbing the big boulders to get to the overhang & waterfall. We saw a black tailed Rock Wallaby. We had a swim in the large pool, which seemed extremely cold, although the paper work said that temperatures are between 15 & 24, we don’t think it was 15, it was freezing!!!  Back to Emma resort for a lovely coffee and headed back towards the camp site.
 Still time for another walk the day’s not over yet!   A  9.6klm walk along rugged paths, deep sand, creek beds & rain forest, this took us to Champagne Springs. We did it in 4 hours and had about half an hour swimming and relaxing under the waterfall, it was a great walk. Not many people at the springs due to the long walk. I slipped on a rock and hurt my leg!!  Steve also saw a King Brown Snake!!! Scary!!! Coming back at about 1330 it was so hot,  I think my face is still glowing!!  The scenery was stunning with huge cliffs about 300 meters high, a great walk.

Yes you’ve guessed another day another walk only 6.8klm today to El Questro Gorge. This is a deep narrow gorge, flanked by sheer cliffs, crystal clear pools and lush tropical vegetation. This walk is only recommended for very fit & adventurous as very challenging and dangerous or stupid (me)!!!! At the half way point you have to wade through water up to my chest (most people’s waist) and clamber up a massive boulder. Well everyone said if you get past this point the rest is easy – of course all the people that say this must be the one’s that only ever get half way!!! Because there were a lot more massive boulders, which of course Steve helped me up, but coming back I couldn’t get down a massive boulder and got very wet!!! However Mac Micking pool was at the end, a stunning pool and waterfall and we had it all to ourselves. An absolutely stunning gorge!!!! Yes that was the morning and in the afternoon we did a boat cruise down Chamberlain gorge, a very pleasant trip!!!!

                                                   Steve at the start of the Gibb River Road.
                                                          One of our many water crossing's.

                                                  Steve in Zebeddee hot springs (El Questro).

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