Monday 2 July 2012

Lake Argyle to the Bungle Bungles -WA

Still at Lake Argyle and we went on a boat trip between Argyle Dam and the Ord Dam, they also call this a Lake because it is dammed at both ends, however it was like a river to us. This trip was excellent and very informative. The boat ride was fast through parts due to the amount of water flowing and how shallow it was in places. All good fun and they reckon there is a Croc every 10 meters and we think they are right as we saw loads, all freshies!!! We also saw a short Earred Rock Wallaby and some Jesus Birds (Can’t remember their correct name), the Jesus birds lived on the water lily pads and just walked on them all day, they were small and their feet were huge, like they had fins on!!!! So funny!!!!
                                                                               Lake Ord.
                                             Can you see the Short Earred Rock Wallaby?
Next we arrive in the Purnululu National Park, home to the Bungle Bungle range, as well as many other ranges. This National Park is only assessable by 4WD – lucky  - of we go for a 53klm trek to our campsite (Kurrajong). We are here now for 5 nights, we are all set up with the mozzie net (for comfortable reading and the shower tent ready for our hot showers after a hard days walking).
we have done the Echidna Chasm walk, this was a 2km walk, with spectacular 20 metre chasm with varying colour hues. This was exceptional, massive, very cool and stunning!!! We also took the 1 km walk to the lookout to view the Osmond ranges – again very impressive. This was a walk not to be missed. Next onto a 5klm walk – Mini Palms walk. This walk had some steep slopes, we also had to negotiate large fallen rocks, it has soaring cliffs, Livistona palms, two viewing platforms and an Amphitheatre at the end. I felt a little disappointed with the last walk – still never mind it beats work!! Oh yes and I took Lizard Lisa with me today on all the walks and forgot to take a picture, will try again tomorrow!!
                                                          The start of the Bungle Bungle's!!
                                                          Look at how small I look!!!!
                                           Me as far into the Chasm walk as we could go!!
 Another day and off we go again, we have done the Cathedral walk (3klm), this had short steep slopes and narrow ledges. This walk took us through striped domes, pebbles, potholes, towering cliffs and honeycomb rock that took us to the amphitheatre. The amphitheatre was huge, very cool and relaxing, a stunning place to sit for a while. As it happened there was a group of people in front of us and 1 guy was playing the didgeridoo and another lady started to sing – it was incredible!!! I was just waiting for the mob dance to happen and that would have completed it perfectly!!
Next we did a 1klm Piccaninny Gorge lookout walk, the walk took us down one massive river bed of rock forms and up through some domes to the lookout – a pleasant walk.
Next The Domes walk (1klm). This was a splendid walk and we were just winding around banded domes, which towered majestically above us!!
I thought the Bungles Bungles would only be a small range, they are just in all the pictures etc, however the domes vary in shape’s and size’s, even the smaller one’s are massive and the ranges seem to go on forever, they are everywhere. We did a 30klm 4 WD to get to them and passed ranges with massive domes, nearly all the way, they are absolutely stunning and have to been seen to be believed!!!! An awesome day!!!!       
                                                                Me on the Cathedral walk.

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