Wednesday 4 July 2012

Kununurra/Wyndham -WA.

Kununurra – well first we went to the Zebra rock gallery and this was very interesting, we had seen the basic stone and it is stunning what they do to it. Next we went to the Sandalwood factory and this was also very interesting and educational. Next we went to the Hoochery distillery (they make rum) Yum, Yum says Steve!!! Pictures to follow….. We also went to the Ivanhoe crossing, which at present is closed to vehicles as to much water.  On to the stone Gallery, again very interesting. Lastly we went to the Diamond factory and my word the pink Diamonds are fantastic and guess what, no I didn’t get any, most things were well out of my price range, and still it was good to look!!  Kununurra is a great place and seems to have everything here.
Wyndham – 100klms from Kununurra and a very historical town, we went to the 5 river’s look out (Forrest River, King River, Durack River, Pentecost River & Ord River) all these 5 rivers amalgamates here and it is known as the Cambridge Gulf. This lookout and area is amazing!!!  We went to the new Jetty, the museum, the port and the pub. We also went to the Croc farm, which was awesome the size of  Crocs are out of this world!!! The pictures do not tell the true story. A very enjoyable day.
                                                    Steve not enjoying his Rum!!!!! 72%
                                                  A must for all alcoholics!! Steve on balcony.
                                                   Steve at Ivanhoe River Crossing - Closed!!
                                                        Steve with a giant Croc- Wyndham.
                                                  The Cambridge Gulf where the 5 Rivers meet.
                                        This Croc was massive over 5 meters, it was so scary!!!!
                                                      Has anyone seen a missing child???? (Blood on the crocs mouth)

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