Monday 12 November 2012

Ashburton pool 6 - Onslow.

Ok, we leave Onslow Thursday morning, below are a few photos, we took this morning. Steve finished work on Sunday and I finish tomorrow Wednesday.

                                                                  The both of us!!!

                                                                    Ashburton pool.

                                                         Robin the Ashburton Manager.

                                                 Steve's work place out at the BHP site.

                                                                  Steve's work place.

The news from Onslow this week is nearly all the trees in the caravan park, are going to be chopped down, as to risky when cyclones come through. We are having a bbq on our street in the caravan park, as a farewell for us and another couple who are moving on. Steve went to the pub for his farewell drinks on Sunday. We had a salt ship in. That's it for now.

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