Tuesday 27 November 2012

Carnarvon 2.

Dominating the Carnarvon sky line is a huge communication satellite dish, which was opened in 1966. Carnarvon participated in the space race and helped put man on the moon in 1969.So this was one giant leap for a small Australian town. In 1969 when Neil Armstrong stepped out of Apollo 11 his famous words "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", where relayed to the world via the purpose built tracking dish at Carnarvon. No longer in use, was decommissioned 30th April 1987 after helping with the tracking of Halley's comet.

                                                               Steve up the OTC dish.

                                                                       OTC dish.

                                                             Me at the Blow holes.

                                                                 The Blow holes.

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