Thursday 22 November 2012

Exmouth.3 & Ningaloo Reef.

Exmouth was established in 1963, so is the same age as Steve!!! In 1963 an agreement between Australia & the US was established and in 1967 the Navel Communication Station at Exmouth was built.  Officially renamed in 1968 as the US Navel communication Station Harold E.Holt, in honour of the late Australia Prime Minister, the primary mission of the facility was that of a radio relay station, passing messages between Australia and US command centres, submarines and surface ships.

                                                     SS Mildura Wreck (Cattle ship).

                                                       Very Baron, no trees this end!!!

                                               Steve with Ningaloo Reef in background.

                                                    Me with some of the light house!!!

19.11.12 we left Exmouth behind and headed out to Cape Range National park and Ningaloo Marine Park.  Firstly we stopped off at the SS Mildura Wreck, this was a cattle ship that clipped the reef in a cyclone in 1907, it was later used for bombing practise and is now an ideal sanctuary for baby sharks.

Next stop Vlamingh Head Light house which was commissioned after the SS Mildura clipped the reef, an excellent lookout to the Ningaloo Reef and coastline.  Jurabi Turtle centre next, the Turtle nesting season has just begun, November to March.  The 3 main types of Turtles here are Loggerheads, Hawksbill and the Green.  We are checking the beaches at night and in the mornings!!!   Onwards to Cape Range NP.  Our campsite Lake side is next to an excellent snorkelling area.

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