Tuesday 25 September 2012

Old Onslow & getting the ute stuck!!!

Old Onslow, this town was started around 1893, however the town was moved to where Onslow stands now around 1926. At Old Onslow, parts of the old police station & courtrooms still stand. The cemetery was interesting as everyone seemed to die really young in those days.

Yes, we tried to drive out to where the ocean is and got stuck in the ute, it looked solid on top, it was just a big slip sliding around, still we got to use the winch and hooked up to Trev’s vehicle and pulled ourselves out!!!   At last we have used the winch!!! We wouldn’t have got out with out it!!! 
                                          The old police station, family accommodation &  court. 
Steve checking out the old water tank. 
                                                 One of the family's accommodation, fireplace. 
                                                    Steve hooking our winch up to Trevor's car. 
                              Looks nothing, but with out the winch, we would have still been there. 
                                                             Muddy, Muddy, Muddy!!!
So at present we are just hanging out at our Ashburton River camp site and will stay a few more days before heading to Exmouth, as to cold to travel South.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Muster -Minderoo Station. Onslow.

By chance near our camp they were mustering cattle, well, we followed up behind in our ute. Those of you that know us, know we would love to do a cattle muster on horseback or motor bikes, this was as close as we have come. The two Jillaroos were out front on horseback, (Hey, there is no dust up front), the boys & men were doing all the work at the back with motor bikes, Quad bikes, bull buggy, utes and the helicopter was rounding up the loose cattle to bring to the mob. We followed along for about 3 hours and I have to say I loved every minute of it, unfortunately eventually we lost them in the bush, so didn’t get to see the cattle yarded. A fantastic experience, which I would love to take part in. A lot of the stations don’t use horses anymore, so it was excellent to see them!!!

We managed to watch the crows on TV unfortunately lose to Hawthorn, but what a fantastic game!!! 
                                                       A Jillaroo at the front of the muster. 
                                                                   Healthy cattle in the mob. 
                                   The bull buggy going after some cattle that broke from the mob. 
                                                  The work being done at the rear of the mob. 
                                                         The muster moving away from us.

Onslow 1 - WA.

Left Karratha and headed to Dampier, where Red Dog was borne (The film Red Dog – for those of you that haven’t seen the film). Dampier seemed a very pleasant small town, very pretty.

Headed out to 5 mile pool which is actually the Ashburton River, 5klm south off old Onslow. What a stunning free camp along the river. Lots of bird life, Kangaroo’s and very healthy cattle. Onslow, we visited the museum, St Nicholas church built in 1926, (which was moved complete 40klms when the new town was build), Onslow salt pile’s, Beadon Bay Hotel (pub) where we had a lovely evening meal, the loading  jetty for the salt, built in 1925 is 1.2klms long,  and the war memorial, so the sunrise comes up through the centre of the war memorial. A very clean & functional town. 
                                                                           Onslow War Memorial. 
                                                                              Onslow Church.

                                                           The train at Onslow Museum.

                   This Sea Eagle, we saw it dive & catch this fish, resting before taking to nest.

                                             I think they mine Termite mounds up here!!!

Red Dog & Roebourne Gaol.


Steve in Roebourne Gaol.
Steve with the Red Dog statue -Dampier. (We watched the movie again while we were here).
Our camp-The Ashburton River. Onslow.
Steve busy as usual!!!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Millstream/Chichester National Park. WA.

Firstly our trip from Hamersley gorge to Millstream/Chichester NP. This was about 250klm of unsealed road, and a very good road it was to. We only meant trucks, mining vehicle's and trains.Well the roads are excellent because they are owned by the mining company's and you have to have a permit to drive on them. Of course we didn't get a permit, because to buy the permit we would have had to drive 100klms in the opposite direction, plus we saw no signs advising about a permit, so yet again we were naughty!!!! (Your supposed to watch an OHS video before you get the permit).
Now the trains, have to be the longest trains in the world, they are over two and a half klms long, and guess what we flashed our lights, waved our arms and all the train drivers, waved and gave us blasts from their horn!!! They liked it and so did we!!!!

Arrived at Millstream/Chichester NP, and it was extremely warm and very quiet, everybody else had left as to warm up here now. Firstly we set up and then did the Millstream Homestead trail, which was only a short 1klm , very pretty, with lots of little streams. The homestead was built in 1930 and Steve and I thought about camping here, as it was much cooler than our camper trailer!!!!

                                                  Steve swimming at crossing pool.

                                                          Deep Reach Pool. (Hardly a pool)

As you can see, this is called Deep Reach pool, how ever it is the Fortescue River. It reminded us so much of the Murray, but this was extremely warm!!!
Millstream is a priority catchment area and supplies water to the near by towns of Wickham, Roebourne, Point Samson, Dampier & Karratha.
Millstream/ Chichester was previously two National parks, they were joined in 1982.
This is only a small park (Compared to Karijini) and has 200,000 hectares.

There was a lot of wildlife around the park, Kangaroos, Bustards. However at night there were a lot of feral bulls & donkeys, they make so much noise, and even if you needed to go to the toilet in the night, there is NO Way I was getting out the Camper!!! We tried spot lighting them, from our bed with out much luck.
Now we leave this National Park and head to Karratha.


Hamersley Gorge - Karijini NP.

Hamersley gorge was only a 1klm walk/climb with plenty of swim holes. Hey at the lookout we meant a lady from Myponga!!!! How small is Australia???

                                                     Hamersley Gorge - Karijini NP.

                                                               What a swim hole!!!

                                                              Another good swim hole.

                                                     The other end of Hamersley gorge.

                                                         Steve in Hamersley Gorge.

Monday 17 September 2012

Kalamina Gorge -Karijini NP.

Kalamina Gorge, (3klms) easy walk. Did the walk down to the Arch, meandering a long by cascades and climbing a long rock edges. Headed back to the waterfall for a swim, before heading back to camp. 
                                                             The arch in Kalamina Gorge.
                                                                   Me in Kalamina Gorge. 
                                                  Steve at the waterfall (Imagine it in the wet). 
                                                            Steve at Kalamina Gorge & Falls.

Joffre Gorge. Karijini NP.

Joffre Falls (3klms) a nice steady walk until you get nearly  down to the falls & pools, you have to climb, which is not always easy when you have little legs & are scared of heights (He made me do it)!!!  A lot of lizards, and incredibly beautiful in the basin of the gorge, yes we swam in both pools. Another excellent gorge!! Headed out of the National Park and went to Tom Price a mining town for fuel, it looked ok here and it had a Cole's (Lisa).

                                    Joffre falls & Gorge. How am I going to get down there?

                                                              Joffre Falls & Gorge.

                                                   Us in one of the pools - Joffre Gorge.

                         Me, trying to get out the gorge & Steve wants me to stop for photos!!!!

Knox Gorge. Karijini NP.

Knox Gorge (2klm marked track plus 2klm get lost and make it up yourself track like Andy does). To get down to this gorge is really difficult, very steep; lose rock & rubble, no proper steps!! Firstly we took the wrong turn and made up our own walk, which was extremely pretty, shallow water crossings and a lot of rock climbing. Eventually we came to this very cold pool in the narrow part of the gorge, we get in and swim, it was too cold for me, so I turned back, whilst Steve went off to explore this stunning part of the gorge!!!
Once we got back to the start, we did the correct walking trail, which again was very pretty; of course Steve climbed down further than he should and got shouted at by a tour guide on the other side!!! Very dramatic at both ends of the gorge!! Oh nearly forgot to tell you, when we had to climb out the gorge with no steps, I basically had to crawl and use my hands, as scared of heights!!!!!
                                                               Me in Knox Gorge.

                                          Steve starting his cold swim through knox Gorge.

                                                       Knox Gorge. What Steve found.
                                                                        Knox Gorge.

                                               Knox Gorge, where Steve got told off!!!!

                                                           Steve in Knox Gorge.

Hancock Gorge - Karijini NP.

After Weano Gorge, which was my favourite (Have I already told you that), we did the two lookouts, Oxer & Junction pool, which were great for Steve. (As I am scared of heights).  Now onto Hancock Gorge which was extremely good, again very slippery  with smooth rock and bare feet, a bit of climbing for Steve and I took the easy way and swam!!! This was only a short 1klm walk, with two steep ladders to descend first and 5 million others steps down, the worst thing being, you know you have to come back up them!!!!

                                             Steve climbing the ledges at Hancock gorge.

                                                        Me Wading at Hancock Gorge.

                                                                 Hancock Gorge.

                                                             Me at Hancock Gorge.

                      Steve doing a deep water entry at Kermit's pool - Hancock Gorge.

Weano Gorge . Karijini NP.

Upper Weano Gorge an easy 1klm walk, very pretty. Followed by lower Weano Gorge 1klm, easy and scenic. The next part of the walk was to handrail pool, this didn't sound to exciting in the brochures. We came upon water you had to wade through and then swim, there was no way round it. I said to Steve you go and I will stay and look after the bags, about an hour later Steve came back and said I had to see it!! Well off  with the clothes and leave the bags. This is my favourite Gorge in Karijini, totally amazing!!!!!

                                                 The first pool to wade & swim through.

                                                                     Weano Gorge.

                                                                     Handrail pool.

                                   Mr and our German friend climbing out of Handrail Pool.

                                    Me & my German friend climbing through Weano Gorge.

                                                   Me swimming part of Weano Gorge.

Well what a fantastic Gorge Weano is, we had to swim, climb & slide, the rock was so smooth from the water flow (Wet season) and we had bare feet, the water was cold, it was dark in places, an excellent gorge!!! Steve was taking the photos, hence no pictures of him in this gorge.