Sunday 23 September 2012

Muster -Minderoo Station. Onslow.

By chance near our camp they were mustering cattle, well, we followed up behind in our ute. Those of you that know us, know we would love to do a cattle muster on horseback or motor bikes, this was as close as we have come. The two Jillaroos were out front on horseback, (Hey, there is no dust up front), the boys & men were doing all the work at the back with motor bikes, Quad bikes, bull buggy, utes and the helicopter was rounding up the loose cattle to bring to the mob. We followed along for about 3 hours and I have to say I loved every minute of it, unfortunately eventually we lost them in the bush, so didn’t get to see the cattle yarded. A fantastic experience, which I would love to take part in. A lot of the stations don’t use horses anymore, so it was excellent to see them!!!

We managed to watch the crows on TV unfortunately lose to Hawthorn, but what a fantastic game!!! 
                                                       A Jillaroo at the front of the muster. 
                                                                   Healthy cattle in the mob. 
                                   The bull buggy going after some cattle that broke from the mob. 
                                                  The work being done at the rear of the mob. 
                                                         The muster moving away from us.

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