Tuesday 25 September 2012

Old Onslow & getting the ute stuck!!!

Old Onslow, this town was started around 1893, however the town was moved to where Onslow stands now around 1926. At Old Onslow, parts of the old police station & courtrooms still stand. The cemetery was interesting as everyone seemed to die really young in those days.

Yes, we tried to drive out to where the ocean is and got stuck in the ute, it looked solid on top, it was just a big slip sliding around, still we got to use the winch and hooked up to Trev’s vehicle and pulled ourselves out!!!   At last we have used the winch!!! We wouldn’t have got out with out it!!! 
                                          The old police station, family accommodation &  court. 
Steve checking out the old water tank. 
                                                 One of the family's accommodation, fireplace. 
                                                    Steve hooking our winch up to Trevor's car. 
                              Looks nothing, but with out the winch, we would have still been there. 
                                                             Muddy, Muddy, Muddy!!!
So at present we are just hanging out at our Ashburton River camp site and will stay a few more days before heading to Exmouth, as to cold to travel South.

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