Sunday 23 September 2012

Onslow 1 - WA.

Left Karratha and headed to Dampier, where Red Dog was borne (The film Red Dog – for those of you that haven’t seen the film). Dampier seemed a very pleasant small town, very pretty.

Headed out to 5 mile pool which is actually the Ashburton River, 5klm south off old Onslow. What a stunning free camp along the river. Lots of bird life, Kangaroo’s and very healthy cattle. Onslow, we visited the museum, St Nicholas church built in 1926, (which was moved complete 40klms when the new town was build), Onslow salt pile’s, Beadon Bay Hotel (pub) where we had a lovely evening meal, the loading  jetty for the salt, built in 1925 is 1.2klms long,  and the war memorial, so the sunrise comes up through the centre of the war memorial. A very clean & functional town. 
                                                                           Onslow War Memorial. 
                                                                              Onslow Church.

                                                           The train at Onslow Museum.

                   This Sea Eagle, we saw it dive & catch this fish, resting before taking to nest.

                                             I think they mine Termite mounds up here!!!

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