Monday 17 September 2012

Weano Gorge . Karijini NP.

Upper Weano Gorge an easy 1klm walk, very pretty. Followed by lower Weano Gorge 1klm, easy and scenic. The next part of the walk was to handrail pool, this didn't sound to exciting in the brochures. We came upon water you had to wade through and then swim, there was no way round it. I said to Steve you go and I will stay and look after the bags, about an hour later Steve came back and said I had to see it!! Well off  with the clothes and leave the bags. This is my favourite Gorge in Karijini, totally amazing!!!!!

                                                 The first pool to wade & swim through.

                                                                     Weano Gorge.

                                                                     Handrail pool.

                                   Mr and our German friend climbing out of Handrail Pool.

                                    Me & my German friend climbing through Weano Gorge.

                                                   Me swimming part of Weano Gorge.

Well what a fantastic Gorge Weano is, we had to swim, climb & slide, the rock was so smooth from the water flow (Wet season) and we had bare feet, the water was cold, it was dark in places, an excellent gorge!!! Steve was taking the photos, hence no pictures of him in this gorge.

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